Journal on Contemporary Issues of Law


Publication Information

Authors: Dr. Malay Pandey & Shubham Malviya
Journal: Journal on Contemporary Issues of Law
Volume: 12
Issue: 7
ISSN: 2455-4782
Published On: 29/02/2024

Citation for this Article

Dr. Malay Pandey & Shubham Malviya , DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF VARIOUS STAKEHOLDERS TOWARDS CRIME VICTIMS, Volume 12, Journal on Contemporary Issues of Law , 1-17, Published on 29/02/2024, Available at


Certain rights impose a duty on the state to provide for the victims; this chapter aims to first identify the various parties involved in the victim care process, and then it will carefully outline the legal and professional obligations that each party must fulfill. The researcher actively sought to incorporate best practices from throughout the world in addition to referring to Indian laws, codes of conduct, and standard operating procedures when establishing the professional obligations. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to enlighten and equip the following professionals with the knowledge of their responsibilities and duties so that they can work to secure justice in the broadest sense of the word. On the other hand, this chapter also provides crime victims with a wealth of information on their rights and expectations with regard to the following officials:
I. Police and Law enforcement Agencies
II. Public prosecutors and Advocates
III. Judges and Judicial Officers
IV. Medical Practitioners
V. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO)
VI. Media (Print, digital and social media)
VII. Employers

Keywords: Crime Victim; Investigation; Victim

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